Friday, September 30, 2016

September 30

HB Marley

Reread page 168 of The Giver .  In your English Journal answer the following question: What do you think happened when Jonas reached the bottom of the hill?

Complete Plot Chart

Collect Vocabulary

Quiz Vocabulary  

Discuss The Giver  -- After discussing different ways that endings can be interpreted, describe the ending that seems right for you in the back of your English Journal.Give reasons for your interpretation.  On the left side draw a scene from Chapter 23 and provide a brief caption below the scene.  Draw a box around the scene.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 29


GRAPES of The Giver -- Google Classroom

Plot Chart   In Google Classroom

Vocabulary Study Time

Internal And External Factors of Rome  Classify and Label

Quiz Tomorrow

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28

History Notebook

Today we will complete our PDP Cornell Notes on the Fall of Rome.

You will be asked to write a summary using the following words:

Barbarian, Internal, External, Corruption, Eastern and Western.  


Double Entry Journal Back of English Notebook
Discuss Chapter 19 and 20
Complete Chapter 21 and 22

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 27

History Notebook

The top 3 Roman Achievements that have endured... Your opinion.  Back it up with a strong statement.

What factors (both internal and external) contributed to the fall of Rome? 

Textbook pages pg 30 

Bonus Points:  Color your Map of Rome

The Giver 

Oh the Pain Slide

Chapter 19   and 20

Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26

QW:  English Notebook

If you could have dinner with any person in history, who would it be?  What questions would you ask?



Plotting a story

Friday, September 23, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 22

Rome's Top 3 Achievements

  presentations and note taking
  Form votes and discussion

 complete and score

The Giver

Tough 2 Heats

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September 20

Today we will complete the map of Rome assignment

You will need to add the 5 elements of all maps

title The growth of the Roman Empire 500 AD to 300 AD
Labels in black pen
compass rose

Recall the following links

Rome Gif

Climate Zones Map

Finally, Based on the maps, how did the environment affect the growth of the Roman Empire?

Sound like a scholar when you write you refer to text

Giver Chapter 14 - 18

Complete Snapshot Worksheet

If you are done early move forward to Roman Achievements

Monday, September 19, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16

Quote: Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.  - Mick Jagger

Warm Up 

Study for Vocabulary Quiz 3

Quiz 3

  Discussion on The Giver  - Turn in Response Logs

   Setting and Journal


Stamp Page 10

  A Map of Rome

Next week

Roman Achievements
Writing a story
Giver permission slips
Giver Reflections

Thursday, September 15, 2016

September 15

Warm Up

1. Take out your vocabulary.  Switch with one person at your table.  Check to see the other person is Showing You Know the word.  Also underline the word used, and then edit for punctuation and capitalization.  
Study using flashcards

Rome Vocabulary Page 10

Library Time

Please have a book that you want to renew.  Any books that you have out from the library must be renewed today.  

Library Time Link  open this link and the ETC portal link below

Etc Portal
Log in
password is same as google.


Vocabulary Quiz
Parts of a Story
Roman Map

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 14

Warm Up:  

Pull out your vocabulary definitions. Complete the warm up, then work on the "Show me you Know" sentences.

1.  Nibble : bite :: ________ : liquid (choose sip or gulp)

2. fisherman : hook :: gardener:________

3. tiredness : sleep :: curiosity:_____________

The Giver:  Chapter 9 and 10 discussion and title

   Pull out your reading worksheets for chapter 9 and 10.

History Notebook

Set up a Table of contents

Set up a vocabulary page

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13

Warm Up:

Pull out your vocabulary

Write your score for the SRI.  How does this compare to last year's score?  Do you feel that the score is accurate to you?  If your score went up, your reading level went up.  Do you feel that you are a stronger reader than last year?  


Claim, Evidence, Summary:  How Interconnected Was the World in 300 CE?  (table groups)

1. Vocab. Definitions
2. Giver Chapters 9 , 10

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12

Happy Monday

In your English Journal:  Write for 5 minutes about the books you read last week.  How long did you read?  Describe the setting of your story.

Next: Complete the "before" section of your vocabulary.  Put it away in your binder.

Then:  Click this link.

Claim, Evidence, Summary:  How Interconnected Was the World in 300 CE?  (table groups).

Kick back and read 30.  
I will be collecting your journals this week.  
Finish vocab.

Tomorrow: Tone, Mood, Setting.

Friday, September 9, 2016

September 9

Today in History 

 1776 1776 Congress officially renames the country as the United States of America (Was the United Colonies).

This weekend marks the 15th anniversary of the sudden and deliberate attacks on the United States.  I remember where I was on 9/11/2001.  I was a first year teacher who arrived to work early and would watch the news as I prepared for my day. I watched as the attacks unfolded and became sad that someone would do such a thing.  The memories haunt me to this day.  As we look at the world in history, we need to celebrate what brings us together and not what divides us.  Your generation is the future and it is through peace that our society will flourish.  
Our schedule for today

Study vocabulary - Do you know the word, can you use it in a sentence?

Turn in vocabulary


Claim, evidence, summary for How interconnected was the world in 300 CE?

Counselor Visit

The Giver chapter 5 and 6 response

Next week:

Narrative Writing
Monday drop your backpacks off and head to MPR -- AM Class

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8, 2016

Is your vocabulary out and done?

1. Warm Up:  
Choose ONE:
Do you think that life would be better or worse without emotion?

What's something you learned that you wish you hadn't?

2. How interconnected was the world in 300 CE mini search

3. The Giver -- Chapter 5 through 8 Discussion and writing.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 7, 2016

Warm Up:  Pull out your vocabulary for a check.

In you English notebook:  



Lesson Focus:

How interconnected were the distant regions of the world in 300 CE?

Look at classroom

The Giver discussion Chapter 5 and 6.

Read Chapter 7 tonight.

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 6, 2016

Good Day Students,

I hope that you had a fun and restful weekend.  I am off campus today and I trust that your will be awesome.  Mr. Campbell is your guest teacher and we always treat guests with the utmost kindness and respect.  You should take out your name tents and put them on your desk.  Mr. Campbell might give you bonus points if you have yours.  

Today's Agenda
1. Take out your Chromebooks (you must have them out if you are reading this.)
2. Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Dot will lead it.
3. Find the next blank spot in your English Notebook and complete the following warm up(10 minutes)

Write a personal narrative about one activity that you did this weekend.  
Don't forget to use your transition words and make it a story.

4. Our guest will choose a volunteer to handout this week's vocabulary.  The format is the same as last week, but this week it is on paper.
      Rate each word in the "before" column.
      Spend the next 8 minutes defining each word.  Remember try to use your own words.  I will check tomorrow.

5. When time is up, neatly put away your vocabulary words and pull out your copy of The Giver.
    Read chapter 5 and 6 silently for 20 minutes.  Our guest will handout the Chapter response for Chapter 5 and 6.  This will be due tomorrow, so read intently.

6. At 9:30 our guest will handout a cut up piece of paper.  Glue this on page 9 of your  history notebook and listen for instructions as  I made a copying error.  

After your complete the instructions from the "Close Read" mentioned above, you will complete the following activity on page 8 of your history notebook: 
List 5 artifact that you would leave to help future historians and archaeologists understand your life.  Why would you leave each item?  

Complete any unfinished work at home.  

Mr. Angel

Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2, 2016

Warm Up:

Answer this in your journal.  About how many minutes did you read this week outside of class?   What book(s) did you read?  About how many pages or chapters from each book?
Why do you love/hate this book? Why should someone else read it? What would make it better? What would you have done in the same situations?

Sentence Frames:
I read _______minutes from the book _________ and ___ minutes from The Giver.  In _________ I read 8 small chapters, while in The Giver I read 4 chapters.

I really love my free choice book because....  
I think that people who like ________ should read this book because ...
One thing that I would change ...
In the book _________ the main character ______ faced a (conflict, scenario, situation) and she reacted by .......
If I faced the same situation I would have ....

Turn on the Vocabulary

Study for the quiz.

The Giver

Chapter 1 through 4 discussion question

After reading Chapter 4 in The Giver, what do you think of Release now?

Complete Chapter 1 through 4.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1

September 1

Today in history: 1939 Germany invaded Poland in what becomes the start of World War 2

I will be checking your vocabulary -- Have it open please.

Warm Up:  After the video on adjectives write a paragraph describing your ride trip to school this morning.  Circle all the adjectives in your sentence.  

After the Warm Up:

1. Quizlet vocabulary review game.

2. Discussion on The Giver

3.  Writing Lesson 1: Transition Words (next lesson, showing a character's emotion).

4. Writing prompt:  It all began when I found the cost of a trip to.........