Friday, August 30, 2019

August 30, 2019


KBAR -- KICK BACK and READ 20 minutes every day.


The Outsiders- Part I Vocabulary  Due Wednesday next week
The Outsiders Chapter 2
Evaluating Sources
City Slides project presentation

Class Norms

1. Be Positive
2. Give Respect
3. Be inquisitive
4. Engage Fully

What does it look like?  What does it sound like?  What does it feel like?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

August 29, 2019


KBAR -- KICK BACK and READ 20 minutes every day.


Counselor Visit
The Outsiders- Part I Vocabulary  Due Wednesday next week
The Outsiders Chapter 2
Evaluating Sources
City Slides project presentation

Class Norms

1. Be Positive
2. Give Respect
3. Be inquisitive
4. Engage Fully

What does it look like?  What does it sound like?  What does it feel like?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

August 28, 2019


KBAR -- KICK BACK and READ 20 minutes every day.


The Outsiders
Evaluating Sources

Class Norms

1. Be Positive
2. Give Respect
3. Be inquisitive
4. Engage Fully

What does it look like?  What does it sound like?  What does it feel like?

Friday, August 23, 2019

August 23, 2019

HB Emmet, Faith, Hayden, Brianna, Emmet, Nathaniel R, Hunter

Welcome 7th Graders.  This promises to be an exciting year!  On this page, you will find homework and an agenda posted daily.


KBAR -- KICK BACK and READ 20 minutes every day.
Letter to Teacher Due Friday

Advisory Slide



World Map
Chromebook Norms
Notebook Set up
Letter to the teacher

Writing Prompt:
Respond to Letter

Class Norms
1. Be Positive
2. Give Respect
3. Be inquisitive
4. Engage Fully

What does it look like?  What does it sound like?  What does it feel like?

Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 22, 2019

HB Emmet, Faith, Hayden, Brianna, Emmet, Nathaniel R, Hunter

Welcome 7th Graders.  This promises to be an exciting year!  On this page, you will find homework and an agenda posted daily.


KBAR -- KICK BACK and READ 20 minutes every day.
Letter to Teacher Due Friday

Advisory Slide



World Map
Chromebook Norms
Notebook Set up
Letter to the teacher(s) due Friday

Writing Prompt:
Respond to Letter

Class Norms
1. Be Positive
2. Give Respect
3. Be inquisitive
4. Engage Fully

What does it look like?  What does it sound like?  What does it feel like?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

August 21, 2019

HB Emmet, Faith, Hayden, Brianna, Emmet, Nathaniel R, Hunter

Welcome 7th Graders.  This promises to be an exciting year!  On this page, you will find homework and an agenda posted daily.


KBAR -- KICK BACK and READ 20 minutes every day.
Letter to Teacher Due Friday
3 Subject Notebook Due Thursday

Advisory Slide



Anthology Pg. 20 7th Grade
World Map
Chromebook Norms
Letter to teach due Friday

Writing Prompt:
Respond to Letter

Class Norms
1. Be Positive
2. Give Respect
3. Be inquisitive
4. Engage Fully

What does it look like?  What does it sound like?  What does it feel like?

Monday, August 19, 2019

August 20, 2019

HB Emmet, Faith, Hayden, Brianna, Emmet, Nathaniel R

Welcome 7th Graders.  This promises to be an exciting year!  On this page, you will find homework and an agenda posted daily.


KBAR -- KICK BACK and READ 20 minutes every day.
Letter to Teacher Due Friday
3 Subject Notebook Due Thursday


Advisory Slide

Writing Prompt:
Respond to Letter

Class Norms
1. Be Positive
2. Give Respect
3. Be inquisitive
4. Engage Fully

What does it look like?  What does it sound like?  What does it feel like?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 19, 2019

HB Faith, Hayden, Brianna, Emmet, Nathaniel R

Welcome 7th Graders.  This promises to be an exciting year!  On this page, you will find homework and an agenda posted daily.


KBAR -- KICK BACK and READ 20 minutes every day.
Letter to Teacher Due Friday
3 Subject Notebook Due Thursday


Advisory Slide

Read the letter from Mr. Angel and Mrs. Waistell
Respond on looseleaf paper
Puzzler Activity

Class Norms