Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24

Good Morning,

We are in our second week of the COVID closure and I can see that your kids are adjusting for the most part. Academics is a lot like exercise. If you push yourself just slightly out of your comfort zone, then you will usually see growth. This is the case with reading. On average kids should read 3 to 4 hours a week, part of this reading is through academic subjects like history and science, but part of the reading should come from books that the kid wants to read. The goal is to get kids into the habit of challenging themselves. Keep your kids reading,

7th Grade

This week in 7th grade I am asking kids to keep up with the following
Living History Journal - 3 days a week
Reading Log - 5 days a week
Mayan History
A literature story
Aztec history

In 8th Grade 

The focus is on Andrew Jackson's presidency.

All items are found in google classroom on the 3/23 task sheet and as individual assignments.
In addition, students must check-in each day. On Mondays, it is a google form check-in found on the task sheet,
Tuesday through Friday, there is a question posed on Google Classroom. Check-ins should happen before 3 pm as I turn in a list to the office of who has not checked in. Yesterday I only had 19 out of 55 checked in.

Food Services

Finally, today is the last day of daily food service. There will still be meals given, but you are required to turn in your order today at  http://slcusdfood.org/online-ordering/#/catering/1532619635664/step1.  Order by 12 noon. 

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